You can supply your normal 2D images for our unique View-Master compatible reel and using the latest AI technology, customised to our process, we will convert your images to convincing 3D. We will need seven images to make up one reel.
Technical notes:
The format of viewer images is landscape only, upright images won’t work unless severely cropped.
The final images on View-Master reels are very small – just 11.5mm x 10mm or so – and work best with bold and colourful photos.
Our extraordinary 3D artificial intelligence conversion software is very sophisticated but it is possible that the subject matter, if not obvious, can defeat interpretation. We can make manual overrides but if it isn’t possible to make a convincing 3D conversion then we will let you know and discuss the options (substitute image, downgrade to 2D reel or refund). Generally speaking, the AI technology requires recognisable ‘real-life’ subject matter to be able to understand the content to deconstruct the image and rebuild it in a 3D environment. For example, it won’t work with representational subjects such as drawing and paintings as they are, in themselves, flat 2D subjects so have no 3D depth to reconstruct (as opposed to, say, a group of people photographed at a pub table with a scenic background).
Please number your photos from 1 to 7, in the order you want them viewed, so that we can prepare the reels in the correct order.
If you are a Photoshop wizard then you can prepare your images to the correct size: 1240px wide x 1125px high. DPI doesn’t matter, set whatever you like but don’t change the 1240×1125 pixel values. You might find this Photoshop template handy for image preparation: Retro-View template
Please read this page before uploading unsuitable images! Retro-view-reels
You can also order customised reel and sleeve graphics – ideal for commercial giveaways and promotions and product launches – more information here: Customised reel graphics