Great news – Google’s Nik Collection of desktop image editing plugins is now being offered free of charge. Nik’s Analog Efex Pro, Color Efex Pro, Silver Efex Pro, Viveza, HDR Efex Pro, Sharpener Pro and Dfine apps are all available as a free download – what once would have been a charge of $150.
Nik’s applications put a focus on ease of use and accessibility, compatible with Photoshop, Lightroom and Aperture. The company was bought by Google in 2012, and before that each program cost around $100 for a total of up to $500 for the software suite.
This author loved Nik Silver Efex Pro for the quality and breadth of its conversion of colour to monochrome images and paid up for the software – now available for free!
To download the entire collection of plugins click here: Google’s Nik Collection